Simulation models and role playing games

Last update: 19 April 2016

They are widely used by the team’s researchers to analyze the evolution of socio-ecological systems (SES) and improve the ability of actors to understand the complex systems they depend on and influence.

Some examples:

Re(source)Hab(itat) - ReHab


A computer-assisted role playing games to highlight the importance of communication through experiential learning in the context of the management of renewable resources and conservation.
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While participatory approaches are increasingly being recognized as necessary to involve populations in the management of resources and territories, their impact often remains weak over time, whether at the local level or at wider scales. Based on this observation, a CIRAD team has developed the TerriStories method, whose effects at the local and national levels still persist even 15 years after its implementation in Senegal. Applied to the management of local territories, as also to the drafting of national land and environmental regulations, the method stimulates collective dynamics and empowers actors to take and implement decisions on their own according to their needs. Read more
Also watch the short video in French: ‘Du terroir au pouvoir’ by Quentin Defalt, 2014 (26 min.)  

A wide range of models and role playing  games have been developed using the ComMod approach:



Development of a multilevel ComMod approach that takes into account the heterogeneity of the actors involved, their representations, the nature of their power relations, the networks of actors mobilized --> validation of the ‘separated then regrouped’ option, and a combination of tools (map, role playing games, multi-agent simulations) favouring a plurality of expressions of the issues, their sharing for the identification of a common issue to limit the impacts of floods, the prioritization of management options to propose new interaction scenarios.

MaeSalaep 3


An evolving game that adapts to the changing concerns of participants as they progress through the collective learning process. Mae Salaep 3 is an adaptation of the Mae Salaep 2 game to the issues raised by the participants at the end of the use of this second game.
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Sequia basalto


A simulation model that aims to design and test livestock breeding strategies that are better adapted to the droughts taking place in Uruguay due to climate change.
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Also see  

Last update: 19 April 2016