Companion Modelling

Last update: 5 November 2015

ComMod: an original methodology that relies on modelling as a support tool.

ComMod : La modélisation comme outil d'accompagnement


The Green research unit is a founding member of ComMod!

The ComMod association’s main goal is to design, analyze, develop and promote scientific research and its applications in the field of companion modelling. This includes its main methods and tools, namely role plays, multi-agent modelling, and social simulation.

ComMod has produced a book in French summarizing more than 25 case studies entitled ‘La modélisation d'accompagnement. Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable’, Michel Etienne et al., 2010.

Note that training sessions are offered both in France and abroad.

Last update: 5 November 2015