Members of the unit

Last update: 31 August 2017

The unit's member's consist of about 20 permanent members, students and visiting scholars and researchers. It maintains a permanent presence in France, Laos, Brazil, Costa Rica and currently in Madagascar and Senegal
Picture Name First name   Function  Research Discipline/Theme or university (for the PhD Student) Place
Antona Martine Researcher  Renewable Resources Economy  Montpellier
Botta Aurélie Director
Modelling  Montpellier
Delay Etienne Researcher Geography and modelling Montpellier
  Correa Pastora PhD student University of the Republic  Uruguay
  Dinaharison Jean-Bienvenue PhD student Pierre and Marie Curie University  Madagascar
Fagandini Francesca PhD student AgroParisTech Montpellier
  Fasioli Enzo PhD student National University of Plata  Argentina
Gérard Françoisem Researcher Economy Nogent-sur-Marne
Le Page Christophe Researcher Modelling Brazil
Aubert Sigrid Researcher Law Anthropology  Montpellier
Bousquet François Researcher Modelling Montpellier
  Daré William's Researcher Sociology Montpellier
Fallot Abigaïl Researcher Economy Montpellier
  Gaidet-Drapier Nicolas Researcher Ecology  Montpellier
Karsenty, Alain Researcher Socio-economy Montpellier
Labeyrie Vanesse Researcher Agronomy of agro-ecological dynamics  Montpellier
Müller Jean-Pierre Researcher Computer and cognitive sciences  Montpellier
Piketty Marie-Gabrielle Researcher Economy Montpellier
  Plassin Sophie PhD student  AgroParisTech France
Rovis Nathalie Assistant   Montpellier
Tourrand Jean-François Researcher Vétérinary, agrarian sciences  Montpellier
Bazile Didier Researcher associate  Geography and agronomy  Montpellier
Bommel Pierre Researcher Modelling Costa Rica
Coudel Emilie Researcher Economy Brazil 
D'Aquino Patrick Researcher Geography Laos
Jankowski Frédérique Researcher Anthropology Sénégal
Leclerc Grégoire Researcher Modelling Costa Rica
Queste Jérôme Researcher Sociology and modelling Madagascar
Pachoud Carine PhD student University of Innsbruck  Austria
Opplert Marie PhD student University of Brasilia  Brazil 
Lima Resque Gabriel PhD student AgroParisTech Brazil
QI Xiaojing PhD student University of Lanzhou & AgroParisTech China
Raharivelo Sitraka PhD student University of Antananarivo Madasgascar
Raharijaona A. Stefana PhD student University of Antananarivo Madagascar
Richebourg Camille PhD student School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences France
Soirfane Ali PhD student University of Montpellier France
Tapsoba Abdoulaye PhD student AgroParisTech Nogent sur Marne
Chedid Mabelle PhD student AgroParisTech Lebanon 
Vaz Vania PhD student University of Rennes  Brazil 
Razafimanampy Miarimalala Tokinambinina PhD student University of Fianarantso  Madagascar
Kasanoski Daniesse Sannarra PhD student University of  Brasilia  Brazil
Soilihi Abdou PhD student AgroParisTech France

Last update: 31 August 2017