se déroulera du 10 au 21 septembre 2018 à Agropolis International, Montpellier (France)

Learn more about agent-based modelling by participating to:
 Multi-platform International Summer School
 on Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation
 for Renewable Resources Management
 September 10-21, 2018, Agropolis International, Montpellier (France)

This two-weeks practical training course is organized by CIRAD and IRSTEA with the support of Agropolis International and with the contributions of INRA, CNRS and the University of Toulouse.

The principles, methods and technics of the design, implementation and exploration of agent-based modelling and simulation are taught and then applied by the trainees during practical sessions. During the first week, demonstrations and hands-on sessions on the three proposed platforms (CORMAS, GAMA, NetLogo) allow participants to choose a platform and get ready to use it. They are also guided by the trainers to start designing collectively a toy agent-based model by groups of 2-4 trainees sharing similar research topics. During the second week, the trainers support the participants in implementing and fine-tuning their prototype agent-based models. Specific points are also addressed according to the expectations and demands of the participants, and some applications developed by the trainers are presented and demonstrated.

Find out more: http://www.agropolis.org/miss-abms
 Registration fees: €1,500 (researchers) / €800 (students)
 Pre-register online (without commitment): 
 *before March 31 for the first selection wave
 *before June 30 for the second selection wave
 Contact & information: miss-abms_organizers@agropolis.fr
 Watch the video presentation of the training session presented at the CoMSES Net (Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences) virtual conference

Publiée : 15/02/2018