Special seminar on Stewardship, Place attachment & Metaphors of human/Environment relationships

Aura lieu le 11 février 2016 à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Montpellier (salle du bas).

Organisé par l'Antenne Montpelliéraine de Natures Sciences Sociétés (NSS)-Dialogues et financé par le projet MAGIC. l'Unité GREEN  sera représentée par François Bousquet qui interviendra lors ce séminaire.

Keynote speaker: Dr Christopher Raymond

Dr Christopher M. Raymond is an environmental social scientist who draws upon disciplines such as Human Geography, Environmental Psychology and Conservation Biology.  He held posts at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen (Assistant Professor) and the School of Geography and Environmental Studies (University of Tasmania) before joining the University of Exeter to take up a Senior Lectureship in 2016. His broad research interests include: Eliciting landscape values and preferences (including social values for ecosystem services) using public participation GIS and deliberative valuation techniques; Spatially comparing the values which local and scientific communities assign to regional landscapes using interdisciplinary techniques; Understanding the symbolic and affective dimensions of people-place relations, particularly concepts of place attachment and landscape stewardship ; Integrating multiple forms of knowledge and evidence into the management of ecosystem services ; Using multi-level models to assess the motivations for pro-environmental actions on private land, particularly those applied to biodiversity conservation problems.


A first focus on Human/Nature relationships (1h)

  •  “New approaches for understanding and valuing human-environment relationships in an era of rapid environmental change” – C. Raymond (20 min)
  •  “Ecological solidarity and stewardships” – R. Mathevet (10 min)
  •  Discussion with the audience 30 minutes

A second focus on Place attachment (1h)

  •  “Mapping and measuring place attachment: recent research and future directions” - C. Raymond (20 min)
  •  “Place attachment and risk management” – F. Bousquet (10 min)
  •  Discussion with the audience 30 minutes

Publiée : 09/02/2016